Goals and Principles

Here are some of the major goals for the cooperative. Anyone who wants to be involved should be 100% on board with the pros and cons of worker cooperatives (your due diligence is needed here, make sure you understand and want this, it’s not necessarily the right kind of workplace culture for everyone — see the Resources section).

You should also agree with the general direction of these goals (this is very much open to constructive feedback and revisions, there are surely things that were missed, and as the cooperative is formed we will make decisions together on all of this):

Transparency and Secrecy

A Note about unpaid work

Research is underway to acquire funding to begin design and production and be able to pay people for their work. The intention is to keep this period of unpaid time as short as possible for as few people as possible. There are indeed organizations who not only fund cooperative startups, but will actually send a person to come and help us work out how to form the cooperative and get things up and running. If we do our best to make an excellent pitch, then there is potential to get this off the ground more quickly. If that fails, we have a much harder and slower road but can still get there.

We are fully and painfully aware that the ability to survive and do unpaid work is one that mostly only comes with privilege, and we will end the practice as quickly as possible. Assembling a small team of founders and possibly a prototype game (or at least detailed plans for it, enough to indicate that we have a viable product) is job #1. Funding is job #2. After this beginning part, we will never seek unpaid work again, not even for internships.

For those who do unpaid work in these early days, there is “sweat equity” that counts towards an ownership share and perhaps offers some priority for our first surplus distributions. We’ll decide together how this works.

Please, learn more about cooperatives by reading:
